Top Garden Trends of 2023

2023 Garden Trends

Gardening has always been a popular pastime. And with the huge numbers of people who spent time at home due to the pandemic, interest in gardening has skyrocketed. As we look ahead to 2023, it’s clear that gardening will continue to be a popular activity and some exciting trends are emerging. In this article, we’ll […]

Top Tree Shapes to Consider for Landscaping

Tree Shapes Landscape Design

Choosing the right shaped tree for its surroundings is an important part of landscape design.  While it’s possible to trim trees to the shape of your liking, all trees have a natural shape that they tend to adhere to.  It’s easier to work with a tree’s natural shape than to try and make it conform […]

How To Prepare Your Plants For The Winter

Prepare Plants For Winter

Now that summer is over and winter relentlessly advances, it’s time to ready what plants you have left for the colder climate.  In this post, we provide some tips on how to prepare your plants for the winter. Get Rid Of Diseased Plants While it’s always beneficial to allow dying plants to rot naturally and […]

How to Prepare Your Garden for Autumn

Prepare Your Garden For Autumn

While fall is typically the time of year to enjoy the fruits of the work you’ve done throughout the spring and summer, there are still a few things you should do to ensure the following year is just as productive. In this post, we’ll explain how to prepare your garden for autumn. This will not […]

Landscaping Tips After Labour Day

Landscaping Tips After Labour Day

The growing season may be over, but you should think twice if you think your garden duties are finished for the year! While it may be tempting to pack things in until next year, accomplishing some tasks in the fall can set you up for an even better growing season come spring. If you’re looking […]

Four Steps to Plan Your Backyard Landscaping Project

Backyard Landscaping Project

As the weather begins to turn, many people start to think about rejuvenating their backyard.  But just diving in without a plan will end up costing you more in time, money and effort.  Here’s a list of four steps to plan your backyard landscaping project and help you get what you want efficiently and economically. […]

Tips to Avoid Over Watering Your Landscaping in Spring

Tips to Avoid Overwatering Landscape

Even first-time gardeners understand the importance of watering plants.  However, many landscaping newcomers typically run into problems caused by over watering, rather than underwatering.  To help avoid this problem, we’ve put together a list of tips to avoid over watering your landscaping in spring. Work With Your Soil There are several different types of soil […]