Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean that you should refrain from thinking about your garden. As a matter of fact, this may be the best time to be thinking about it. Because there aren’t any physical jobs that need to be done during this time, thinking about the upcoming year is a perfect way to prepare for another season. So, to help you out with your new year planning, we’ve put together a list of 5 New Year’s resolutions for gardeners.
Just Get Started!
If you’re not already gardening, resolve to get started this year. It’s not as difficult as you might think. In fact, it’s not difficult at all. Even a pot or two on your window sill will make a difference in your day-to-day living. Tending to plants will brighten your environment as well as your mood.
Turn Some Lawn Into A Garden Bed
Most people who have lawns could easily transform some of it into a productive garden bed without missing the removed grass. The new year is the perfect time to reclaim parts of your lawn by covering it with compost or plastic sheets. By the time spring arrives it’ll be ready for turning and planting.
Reintroduce Native Species
To make gardening easier, consider planting native species. They’re already adapted for the conditions and should grow without the need for much fuss. They will also help local insects and other wildlife.
Start Composting
If you’re not already doing it, now’s the time to start looking into setting up a compost bin. It’ll reduce the amount of wet garbage your house produces while providing you with free, nutrient rich soil. You can either buy a composting bin off the shelf or put together your own with some old pallets or wood scraps.
Learn About Sustainable Gardening
Take this time to do some reading up on sustainable gardening and how it can reduce your impact on the environment. Learning about non-chemical fertilizers is a good place to start. You might also want to prepare for the new season by planning for a rainwater barrel or few. Look into other low water gardening techniques such as drip watering irrigation.