Landscaping Tips for Small Yards

Not everyone has a huge backyard. In fact, backyards appear to be shrinking in most modern urban environments. However, just because you have a small space to work with doesn’t mean you have to give up landscaping. You just need to slightly alter your practices. Here are some landscaping tips for small yards.


Using containers for some of your plants allows you to increase your gardening space. Containers allow you to place plants in areas that don’t have soil, such as decks and patios. Containers can also be used to introduce colours and patterns to your yard. Those colours and patterns can create continuity with other elements of your landscape.

Artificial Turf

If you only have room for a tiny patch of grass, owning a lawn mower might seem like overkill. By installing artificial turf you’re assured of an evergreen surface without the need for yet another piece of expensive landscaping machinery. Artificial turf has come a long way in recent years and can fool even the keenest eye.

Wall Planters

Create a vertical garden by installing planters up the sides of walls and fences. Wall planters can allow you to make use of vertical space that may otherwise be barren and boring. Stretch your gardening space upwards with the use of attachable wall planters.

Hanging Planters

Another way to make use of empty vertical space is by using hanging planters. They can be used to draw the eye upwards while also providing shade and shelter. Hanging planters of different sizes and at different levels will give your yard the illusion of texture.


By planting plants in layers, you create the illusion of extra space. Place shorter, groundcover plants in the foreground, taller growing plants behind them and back them all with taller plants, shrubs or trees. The layering effect will add depth, draw the eye upward and make your yard appear larger.

Leave Space

By leaving some space and not crowding every inch with softscape and hardscape elements you allow the yard to breathe. Resist the temptation to overcrowd your yard. Open space will actually make the area feel larger than it is.