It is almost that time of year where the frost is no longer a threat and clocks are springing forward, which means it is time to start thinking about gardening and landscaping. A beautifully landscaped yard not only offers the perfect place to relax and enjoy gatherings but also boosts the overall curb appeal of your home. Before you plunge into new design ideas, make sure you perform the proper ‘Spring Cleaning’ of your lawn.

Few Tips to Get Your Outdoor Space Prepared for the Warm Months Ahead:

Inspect for Winter Damage

The first task on your spring cleaning list should be to take a close look at trees and shrubs in your yard and inspect for any broken or damaged branches. To remove, carefully prune so that the branches do not crack further and break off.

Prevent Weeds

Spring is the perfect time for preventative weed control! Choose an eco-friendly spray that will not damage healthy grass and treat problem areas before the weeds even have a chance to grow.

Choose the Right Fertilizer

A generic fertilizer is not always the best option. Different plants need different nutrients and choosing the right fertilizer to nourish your shrubs, flowers, and plants will help them thrive all season long. If unsure, ask a professional for their recommendations.

Change your Mulch
Mulch should be reapplied every spring. Turn and rotate your current mulch and add another inch of fresh mulch throughout your plant beds and around trees. This helps protect your plants from the scorching summer sun and will keep roots cooler and better equipped to retain moisture.

Once you have done the basic maintenance, you can move forward to some budget friendly DIY tips to improve the appearance of your yard. The beauty of landscaping is that often a simple change or small touch can make a huge improvement to the overall look and feel of your outdoor space.

Easy Tips to Improve Your Landscaping Design:

If there is one item to splurge on this year, consider planting a flowering tree that will add height and color to your landscaping design and is also easy to maintain. The best part about landscaping is that it can be as easy or elaborate as you wish. Also, just because a landscaping tip is simple and easy to maintain, it will still be effective in improving your home’s overall look and boosting your curb appeal, not to mention make for a more enjoyable space for Summer.