Summer Landscaping Tips Toronto
Landscaped front yard of a house with flowers and green lawn

When the warmer weather arrives, most of us tend to spend more time outdoors.  This is when all the hard work you put into springtime landscaping pays off.  However, summer isn’t time to completely neglect your landscaping duties – there are still some things to stay on top of.  In this post, we provide the top summer landscaping maintenance tips.

Avoid Cutting The Grass Too Short

In an attempt to reduce the amount of lawn mowing we have to do, many of us try to cut it as short as possible.  However, this can lead to problems which will create more work in the long run.  Grass that is cut too short can be vulnerable to heat, drought, weeds and disease.  Resist the temptation to mow the lawn as short as possible.  Shoot for grass blades that are between one to two inches tall.

Water Appropriately

Lawns prefer a deep, but sporadic watering rather than daily sprinkles.  This allows the water to reach the root system while keeping the soil moist. Other plants, especially those in containers, should be watered more regularly.  If they’re in direct sunlight it may be necessary to water them twice daily.  Try to time your waterings for early mornings.  This allows any wet leaves to dry off in the sunlight which can prevent funguses and other diseases.  If that isn’t possible, the evening is the second best time for watering.  It’ll reduce evaporation and allow more water to penetrate the soil.

Make Use Of Mulch

Applying mulch over bare soil will reduce water evaporation, prevent the growth of weeds, keep the soil temperature down and provide a great look for your landscape.  Use it around the bases of trees, shrubs and even in containers.  Make sure to leave some breathing space between the bases of the plants and the mulch to prevent moisture from causing rot.

Deadhead Annuals

Once your annuals have flowered, you want to prevent them from going to seed as this will stop the production of additional blooms.  You can try and encourage more flower growth through the process of deadheading.  When the flower blossoms start to die, pick them off and, with luck, you’ll get some more flowers out of the deal.