While plants look great around most areas of our houses, you have to think of them a bit differently when they’re placed close to your windows.  For some top tips for planting around windows, check out this list.

Mature Plant Size

It’s important to know how large your plants will grow before setting them in the ground.  You don’t want them to take over the window and completely obscure your sightlines.  Opting for dwarf shrubs and evergreens or other low growing plants will ensure you continue to have a clear view.

Plant Growth Patterns

You should choose plants that have a compact growth pattern so you don’t have to spend all your time trimming them back.  Think about trying to actually frame the window with your plantings so that they grow around it rather than in front of it.


Allow some space between the plants and the side of your house.  Leaving enough space to walk behind the plants will allow for future repairs and house maintenance if necessary.  By planting outside the line of your gutters the plants will still receive moisture when it rains.


Layer your plants so that the shortest ones are placed in the front while the tallest ones are in the back closest to the house.  This may sound rather simplistic and straightforward, but it’s easily forgotten about in the rush to get the plants in the ground.

Thorny And Spiky Plants

There are two ways of thinking about thorny and spiky plants around windows.  Some are against the idea because of the possibility of injury during maintenance or an emergency exit from the window.  Others believe that thorny plants deter intruders from trying to gain access to the window.  

Visual Appeal

Among all the practical concerns about placing plants near a window, it’s easy to forget the aesthetic concerns.  Don’t neglect the visual appeal that the plants will have for those both inside and outside of the house.  Plants with long lasting flowers and leaves or those that attract birds and other wildlife can add greatly to the visual aspect of the window.