Transform Your Yard: Expert Landscaping Tips


When it comes to creating a beautiful and functional outdoor space, hiring a professional landscaping company can make all the difference. With their expertise, precision lawn mowing services and resources, they can bring your vision to life while ensuring that your yard thrives in the Toronto climate. Here are some of our top expert tips. […]

Top Garden Trends of 2023

2023 Garden Trends

Gardening has always been a popular pastime. And with the huge numbers of people who spent time at home due to the pandemic, interest in gardening has skyrocketed. As we look ahead to 2023, it’s clear that gardening will continue to be a popular activity and some exciting trends are emerging. In this article, we’ll […]

Tree Shapes for Landscaping 101

tree shapes landscaping

To the uninitiated, it may seem that trees don’t really have a specific shape or size.  And while this is sometimes true, the fact is that there are a handful of categories of tree shapes that landscaping developers choose from.  Trees can be mixed and matched or a singular shape can be used to create […]

How To Prepare Your Plants For The Winter

Prepare Plants For Winter

Now that summer is over and winter relentlessly advances, it’s time to ready what plants you have left for the colder climate.  In this post, we provide some tips on how to prepare your plants for the winter. Get Rid Of Diseased Plants While it’s always beneficial to allow dying plants to rot naturally and […]

How to Prepare Your Garden for Autumn

Prepare Your Garden For Autumn

While fall is typically the time of year to enjoy the fruits of the work you’ve done throughout the spring and summer, there are still a few things you should do to ensure the following year is just as productive. In this post, we’ll explain how to prepare your garden for autumn. This will not […]

Landscaping Tips After Labour Day

Landscaping Tips After Labour Day

The growing season may be over, but you should think twice if you think your garden duties are finished for the year! While it may be tempting to pack things in until next year, accomplishing some tasks in the fall can set you up for an even better growing season come spring. If you’re looking […]

Four August Landscaping Tips

Four August Landscaping Tips

Unfortunately, it always seems that the month of August arrives faster than all the rest.  Summer is half over and the back-to-school specials have returned in full force.  When it comes to landscaping, however, most of the heavy work has already been done.  Now is the time for maintenance, upkeep and enjoying the spoils of […]