Tips to Avoid Overwatering Landscape

Even first-time gardeners understand the importance of watering plants.  However, many landscaping newcomers typically run into problems caused by over watering, rather than underwatering.  To help avoid this problem, we’ve put together a list of tips to avoid over watering your landscaping in spring.

Work With Your Soil

There are several different types of soil and each one retains water to a different degree.  For example, sandy soils are quick draining which may make them appear drier than they actually are.  Clay soils are much denser which can cause short, intense bouts of watering to runoff and not reach plant roots.  Understanding what type of soil you’re working with, and watering accordingly, will help prevent over watering.

Pay Attention To The Ground Conditions

The easiest way to avoid over watering your landscape is to simply pay attention.  Regularly inspect the ground conditions during and after watering to look for signs of sogginess.  If puddles are forming or the soil is becoming muddy, there’s a good chance you’re applying too much water.  Check the condition of the plants as well.  Yellowing leaves and softened stems are often mistaken for underwatering, whereas they may be caused by over watering.  Regular inspections of your landscape will give you a better idea of the ideal amount of water needed.

Create A Regular Watering Schedule

Once you have a better understanding of your soil and are systematically monitoring your landscape for the effects of your watering, you should be able to set a somewhat regular schedule to provide the ideal conditions for your plants.  This could be done manually or by using an automated irrigation system.  Having a regular watering schedule will reduce the chances of forgetting to water and prevent your landscape from experiencing erratic moisture levels.

Hire A Professional

Sometimes you simply want to enjoy a beautiful landscape and not have to worry about finding the time and energy required to maintain it.  Handing over watering and landscaping duties to a professional means you’ll be able to spend your spare moments indulging in the environment rather than having to maintain it.