Why Hire a Professional Landscaper?

professional landscaper

Although one of the joys of working on your yard is the feeling of accomplishment, there are many reasons why it might be in your best interest to hire a professional landscaper.  In this article, we go over reasons why hiring an experienced professional might allow for even more of a sense of accomplishment than […]

4 Best Ways To Use Fences in Your Landscaping

landscaping fence

The old saying goes that fences make good neighbours.  It’s true that fences can play an important role in creating privacy, delineating property and beautifying an area, but there are some ways in which fences can be better used than others.  This article will outline the four best ways to use fences in your landscaping. […]

Guide to Finding How Much Sun Your Garden Gets


Understanding how much sun your garden gets should play a large role in what you’re attempting to grow and where.  Certain plants require more sun, while others are lovers of shade. While knowing which plants are which is a good start to optimizing your gardening efforts, having an appreciation of the actual amount of sun […]

How to Design Landscaping for Small Spaces

designing landscaping

Do you swoon at beautiful gardens and well thought out landscapes? Does your home limit this dream due to the size of landscaping available? You may put off these desires until you move into a new home or just accept it as impossible. This is not the way to go! Many families with small landscaping […]

Hate Mowing Your Lawn? 4 Alternatives to Grass


More and more homeowners are getting rid of their lawns and filling in the yards with replacements that don’t need mowing and require little to no water.  Some of this is due to municipal regulations against unfettered water use.  It’s hard to keep your grass green if you’re unable to water it – especially in […]

How to Properly Plant and Landscape a Tree

properly landscape a tree

Unfortunately there’s more to planting a tree than just digging a hole in some dirt and dropping a sapling into it.  But done correctly, a tree will continue to provide benefits for years.  In this article we’ll describe the proper way to plant and landscape a tree.  Choose The Appropriate Area Understanding how tall your […]

Top 4 Landscaping Myths

landscape myths

There are plenty of landscaping myths floating around these days. Below, we will take a look at 4 common ones. Plant Varieties Don’t Matter When it comes to the types of plants you’re using in your yard, don’t just go for the cheapest ones available. You need to have a long term plan when it […]

How to Care for your Landscaping in the Cold

landscaping in the cold

Although some people might think that the cold winter weather is an excuse to forget about your landscaping needs, the exact opposite is actually true.  Winter allows you to prepare for the upcoming spring and get things in order to make the seasonal transition an easy one.  Here are some landscaping questions to consider during […]

Winter Swimming Pool Planning

winter swimming pool planning

Most people aren’t thinking about outdoor swimming pools in the winter unless they’re headed to Mexico or the Caribbean to escape the cold.  However, if you’ve been thinking about installing a swimming pool in your backyard, the winter is the ideal season to begin your planning.  Leaving it until the days get longer and the […]

What Perennials Will Survive Harsh Winters?


If you have year round regard for your garden, but live in an area with harsh winters, being strategic with hardy perennials can save you a lot of annual replanting as well as give you something to look at in the middle of the coldest season.  This article features a list of perennials that are […]